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Crap, I fell into a book

April 4, 2010

Most avid readers understand what it means to get sucked into a book, however, this phrase takes on a whole new meaning for writers. We are perpetually finding ourselves lost in worlds of our own making. It is not uncommon for the most mundane of tasks to send our minds spiraling into fixing the latest plot hole, or coming up with a shiny new idea. In fact, I find when I am doing something as mindless as the dishes, my imagination kicks into overdrive. Although, that does seem to present an argument for me doing more household chores, so I am going to just let that point be.

My current WIP (work in progress) had the original working title of Tome of Destiny. Normally, I don’t bother with titles right away because it feels like the sort of thing one should wait until the perfect one hits, however, since this novel was started for NaNoWriMo, I needed something to upload my stats under. While I wasn’t necessarily pleased with it, I began using a shortened version “TOD” on Twitter and was starting to grow attached.

Of course, this is when some of my critique partners started questioning my sanity. Okay, so they did that long before and it *might* not have had anything to do with my working title, but this is my blog and I’ll tell it the way I want to.

TOD is a Paranormal YA heavy on the Historical and Sci-Fi due to some serious time travel–I promise there are no hot tubs involved–and is arguably the book in which I have finally nailed my voice. My MC, Jesse, is incredibly easy to write and there are times when she has me laughing so hard I can barely type. Then there are the times she stumbles through an emotional minefield of such magnitude that she breaks my heart. All of this is overshadowed by the presence and machinations of the Tome of Destiny.

Yes, I’m speaking of an actual book in the world of TOD, not TOD. Good and confused? Awesome. Let’s move on.

After taking CJ Redwine’s Synopsis Workshop, I was speaking to her about the plot holes I was busy plugging up and she asked, “When is a good time to talk to you about your title?”

I cringed, both literally and mentally and braced myself. “Um…now is good. You don’t like it?”

She went on to tell me it was too obvious and we discussed different ideas for a working title. Then, she pulls out a gem of brilliance like only she can.

“I was really hoping for Crap, I Fell Into a Book.”

I have settled on the working title of Lost in Destiny, but I keep going back to CJ’s idea. Guess I have the name for the series now.

6 Comments leave one →
  1. April 17, 2010 6:43 pm

    Awesome first post, and I love that story.

  2. April 17, 2010 6:48 pm

    Love the first post. TOD sounds like an interesting story. Good luck with it! 🙂

  3. April 18, 2010 6:27 am

    Great first post! In his book on writing, Terry Brooks describes himself as perpetually half-distracted, and I totally identify. Hubby told me last night he’s jealous of my novel for that reason.

    Btw, I can tell you’re in love with your book and MC. That’s great! Enjoy!


  4. April 18, 2010 7:04 am

    Best of luck to you. 🙂

  5. May 2, 2010 6:01 am

    When you write your acknowledgements page for LID, you simply must refer to it as Crap, I Fell Into A Book.


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